Le Corps accordé | Towards a meaningful approach A book by Andréine Bel |
Updating your eBook
Retailers of electronic books (except KOBO/FNAC) offer free update book files after publishing a new version. First check on your device that the beginning of “Le Corps accordé” displays the same version number as the home page of this site.
Below are instructions for activating the update service:
- KINDLE: after signing on the Amazon site, go to page:
Follow links:
Manage Your Content and Devices -> Automatic Book Update -> Turn ON
... then reload your book. - NOOK: your fisrt need to archive the book. Follow instructions on page:
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/nook-books-frequently-asked-questions-faq/379003486/ - APPLE IBOOK: as indicated on page:
Thankfully, the iBooks app supports book updates. That means if a book you purchased is republished with new or additional content, iBooks lets you know. You can download the updated version free, and it automatically replaces the older copy in your library.